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So if you aren’t playing Mobwars on Facebook, I recommend you don’t get started, it is addicting! I’ve been helping friends out who have started to play, by giving them tips. If you start playing and need some advice, I’ll try to update this post over time with new tips. Here’s the one I started tonight.

When starting out one of the most important things to do is start growing your mob, and grow it big. When you start you’ll have a max size of 500 or so members, once you hit a certain level (75?) you can start adding more members, 2 per level as you increase in the game. The bigger your mob, the stronger you can be.

The basic idea here is you need a lot of facebook friends to be in your mob, well if your friends are like mine, many of them don’t want to play, so you won’t have a big mob. But here’s a way to increase your mob, and hopefully not increase your friends list, except temporarily. What we’ll do is quickly add a lot of friends, get them to join your mob, and then delete them from your friends list, they will stay in your mob.

First thing to do, create a new email address somewhere, tie it to your facebook account, something like mynewmobemail @ gmail.com or something. You’ll use this here later on, you can use your normal email address, but I recommend setting up a mobwars specific one.

Once you done that, join this group on Facebook, once joined go to this thread http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=46792873184#/topic.php?uid=46792873184&topic=5507

You need to go to this thread, last page of the thread, copy the email addresses there, put your email in this list(the one you setup earlier) and reply to the thread with the full list of emails, plus yours. That way the next person who does this will also add you to their friends list.

Now that you have this list of email addresses, you need to invite all these people to be friends, you do this through the normal invite process that facebook provides. As more people start to add their email addresses to the thread they will start sending you requests as well, so you’ll continue to grow your mob. After while if you fill up your mob you might want to go back and reply to the thread again, but this time remove your email from the list of emails.

Once these friends start accepting your requests you can add them to your mob. The easiest way to do this is to visit their profile page and clicking on their “join my mob” link if they have the mobwars box on their profile. That is one important thing as well, make sure you have the mobwars box on your profile to make it easier for these people to add you.

Once you’ve requested to join someone’s mob you can then go back to your friends list (use the recently added option) and delete those people from your friends list. This all takes some work and patience, but it is the fastest way I’ve found to grow a mob.

Stay tuned for more mobwars tips from www.chrishammond.com


Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

Find me on Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn.