Tagged Posts

So today I was getting impatient with some of the load times on SCCAForums.com, so I decided to run the SQL profiler on the database to see if there were any suggested improvements to speed it up. I ran the tuning wizard and it came up with a suggest that would be a 93% improvement, sold, lets run the script! Fast forward, an hour later, when I go to make a post on the server and boom it fails. WTF? "Hey Dave, can you post and see if my ban on your account works". He gets the same error. Not good. Anyways, SQL server's tuning wizard created a view, and when applying an index to that view it setup a requirement for ARITHABORT ON to be set when inserting into the cs_posts table. It took me a while to fix it, but I think everything is back up and running now. I removed the index on the view that was created :( Lesson learned, don't just execute random SQL on your database, even if SQL server suggested it!
A little reminder for myself, read up about S3 https://timheuer.com/blog/archive/2008/03/10/amazon-s3-plugin-for-windows-live-writer.aspx
So I've been working for the past few weeks on an a little project. The goal is to convert https://chrishammond.com from CommunityServer to DotNetNuke. I'm not going to be using the DotNetNuke Blog module, instead I've been adding some new features into the Engage: Publish module so that it will support blog like functionality, with the ultimate goal of making it support nearly all the blog type functionality that you find in common blogging systems. I've spent probably 100 hours over the past month or two working on the module (mostly on my own time) to get it setup for the conversion. I believe I have the software nearly ready to go so a few days ago while I was in Chicago for some DotNetNuke Training classes that I was conducting I started working on the SQL scripts that I will be using in the conversion. I have most of these scripts configured as the import process seems to be good, all the blog posts and tags are pulled over. I still have a few more things to finish up on the import process though. Here's a list of things I need to do to get the site ready for the conversion. I'll mark them off as I get them completed. Create conversion scripts for all blog posts (955 posts) Script to convert all tags (300+ tags) Script to convert all comments (1194 comments) Create a URL Handler for the old to new URLs (an unknown number of urls) Skin the site (3 DNN pages initially with more in the future) As I typed it up I see I have more left to do than I expected! I would like to see this will all be done by 1/6/2008 but I don't see that happening as it is 1am on the 6th right now. I'll keep working for a bit longer, then get back to it tomorrow evening after I watch American Gladiators! More coming soon on my conversion from CommunityServer to DotNetNuke! Update 2:30am 1/6/08: I've finished the conversion scripts for Comments now as well. Posted from...
I've started working on a quick application to export Photos from a CommunityServer website. If there's any interest I'll post up the code for this later in the week. I'm working to get https://chrishammond.com off of CommunityServer and setup on DotNetNuke. Considering I'm a DNN Core team member and my fulltime job is dealing with DNN every day it was about time to do so. So what will I be using in DotNetNuke to replace the functionality that CommunityServer offers? Here's a list of functionality and my planned replacement Photos: Flickr, I've been using Flickr for over a year now and you just can't beat the service they provide. $20/year and unlimited uploads/downloads, I've got over 10k photos uploaded to Flickr since I started using it, and with this export tool I'll have a few thousand more. Blogs: Frankly, the DNN Blog is alright, but not great. So I'm working to configure the Engage: Publish module I work on nearly every day to provide blog functionality. It's one of the pricier modules you'll find out there, but that's because it has seen 3 years of development and is supported by a company with 14 employees. Adding this functionality will require the following: Tags, MetaBlogAPI Support, better URL handling There are a few large things I need to work on. 1) Importing my Blog posts/tags from CS into the Engage: Publish module. 2) Friendly URL modifications to allow lookup and 301 redirections for the old URLs to find the new URLs within Publish. My goal is to have most of the above ready for testing after the Holiday Weekend. Posted from...

Here's the collection of posts I've been making about OpenForce07 here in Las Vegas. I'll update the list on Thursday as well OpenForce07 Wednesday AfternoonOpenForce07 Wednesday, the time has come and gone, My Session OpenForce07 Wednesday Morning OpenForce07 Tuesday Afternoon: DNN Development Security OpenForce Tuesday Afternoon: OpenForce Tuesday: Shaun's Keynote OpenForce Tuesday Morning: Scott Guthrie's keynote   Posted from...

Well it's Tuesday afternoon, nearing 3 O'clock and coming up on the end of the first day of sessions for OpenForce07. I don't think this will be my last post, but I am taking a short break and sitting in the speaker room to type this up. So far things have been moving along really well. After Shaun's Keynote I went to his session entitles "DotNetNuke Business Opportunities". At the presentation he gave an overview of the various ways that an individual or business can make money by utilizing DNN. Here are some of the highlights from the presentation. The CMS market currently is currently around 1.5 Billion Dollars annually and by 2010 will be 2.5 billion. Some of the products that you can use in a DNN business include Modules Components and Controls Skins Vertical Market Apps Documentation Materials/Books Service opportunities within the DNN community include Consulting Custom Module Development Skinning Hosting SaaS - Software as a Service Documentation Training Translation Services The presentation actually finished up a little early for Shaun so there was nearly 30 minutes of questions and answers, mostly revolving around the DotNetNuke Partner program that will be launching soon, hopefully later this month. Shaun's session was the last before lunch, it's amazing that they can serve this many people food at once, but from what I saw it went pretty flawlessly. After lunch there was time to wander around the exhibition hall, I ended up hanging around the DNN Corp booth and answering questions as the Charles and Vincenc were staffing it and there were plenty of people stopping by to chat! There's one more set of sessions this afternoon, starting around 4:15pm, I think I'm going to take in Cathal's "Creating Secure DotNetNuke Modules" More later! Posted from...
We're sitting here at Scott Guthrie's keynote this morning as he starts to discuss Visual Studio 2008 and development on the platform. Scott reiterated the announcement from last night that Visual Studio 2008 will be released later this month, available to MSDN subscribers and they will also be sending out copies to the attendees of DevConnections. Sitting here this morning I've seen quite a few core team members walking by. Phil Beadle Jon Henning Vincenc Manasas (sorry Vincenc) Joe Brinkman After Scott's presentation is over there will be a short break for the expo hall and then Shaun Walker's DotNetNuke Keynote will take place. I'm sure that room will be packed, so if you read this before then, get there early. So far Scott is just covering some of the basics of 2008. Such as:  Multitargeting to allow development in 2008 that can be built towards specific older frameworks of the .Net runtime, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5. The IDE will only show you intelligence and tools available to the specific version that you are targeting. Integrated AJAX support within 2008: JavaScript intellisense, debugging, testing. ASP.NET Ajax built into VS2k8 instead of being a separated download for the framework. Rich CSS Management and HTML designer the Expression WYSIWYG designer. LINQ and rich Data Support, new technology in 3.5, easily queries and works with data, ORDesigner included Scott just welcomed Sam up on stage to do a demo for ASP.NET on 2k8. Demos switching between design and source view and the speed at which he can switch. Sam is demoing some of the new CSS functionality within VS2k8, as well as LINQ data access and now paging on a review with AJAX. He's now on to covering JavaScript intellisense and debugging. I'm now sitting in the speaker. Room, trying to get online. There's Wireless here at hte conference, and I can get connected to it, but from there I'm pretty much SOL. So far the speaker room isn't looking too much better as I'm still typing this and not posting it! Heh, gotta love that. I had a darn IP address specified on my wired connection, no wonder I couldn't get online.     Posted from...
Well it's Sunday the 4th of November, my wife's birthday. Where are we spending it? In Las Vegas! The DotNetNuke Conference, OpenForce07 starts on Tuesday here at the Mandalay Bay so we came out to Vegas a few days early. Last night we went to see KA at the MGM, it was awesome. Not quite as good as La Reve that we saw at the Wynn two years ago, but still a great show. Today we're going to do some site seeing and then have dinner with her folks again. The rest of the week is DotNetNuke related. If you're in Vegas for DevConnections/OpenForce be sure to checkout my session on Wednesday "DotNetNuke Administration Best Practices". I'm looking forward to the conference as a whole, as well as getting to speak at my first "big" conference. I've presented at Tulsa Tech Fest the past two years (5 sessions) and multiple user groups all over the country, but this is my first big conference. Posted from...
DotNetNuke 4.6.0 released today, just in time for OpenForce Europe! You can download it from the Downloads Page on DotNetNuke.com To see a list of what has changed in 4.6.0 check out Joe's blog post from last week. Posted from...
Well it's been a busy summer for me and it looks like it isn't slowing down just yet. Earlier this month I spent a week in the Washington DC area conducting some advanced DotNetNuke Module Development Training for a new client. In just over a week I'll be in Topeka Kansas for the SCCA Solo Nationals, I'm definitely looking forward to getting away from computers for a week and just enjoying racing a car or two! I've got quite a few speaking engagements coming up this fall, here's a quick list, I'm sure i'll go into more detail before each event. October 2nd I'll be speaking at the Information Systems Programming club at UM St. Louis October 19th and 20th I'll be giving 2 or 3 presentations at the 2nd Tulsa Tech Fest, I presented there last year and look forward to speaking at this event again. November 6-8th I'll be at OpenForce07 in Las Vegas! I'm really looking forward to this trip. There's also a St. Louis DotNetNuke User's Group meeting on Monday evening, I'll be sending out an email to all the users for that here shortly. More details later! Posted from...
DotNetNuke.com has launched a new Beta Testing program for the 4.6 release of DNN. If you've got an account on DotNetNuke.com head to this Beta Testing Program page, if you don't, head on over and register! Posted from...
Here's a quick list of why you should go to the OpenForce07 conference in Las Vegas in November 2007! Feel free to copy the list and create your own. OpenForce07 is the first DotNetNuke specific conference You get to hear presentations from the brightest in the DotNetNuke World Vegas Baby, Vegas Meet the Core Team Mandalay Bay DevConnections Asp.net Connections SQL Connections I'll be there! It's Vegas, how can you say no? Don't forget, if you can't make it to Vegas you should try to make it to OpenForce Europe in September! Registration is open, so start bugging your bosses, get them to foot the bill for your trip! It will be a great time for anyone who uses DotNetNuke, either as an administrator, content editor, or developer. There is plenty of information to learn with the best resources in the business there to learn it from! Posted from...
Well, I was going to do a quick post about my trip, though I can't say who I was training I did have a good time up here in Chicago! It looks like my post may be quicker than expected as my battery is about to die sitting here in the airport. Rather than hunt for an outlet I think I'll read my new Dale Brown book for a while, and of course listen to my Zune! More on my trip tomorrow when I get back to St. Louis and the office. Here is more information about our DotNetNuke Training services. You can also see an ongoing blog post as I list off various topics that we offer DotNetNuke Training in. Posted from...
I'll readily admit, I've seen tons of Resharper posts over the years reading weblogs.asp.net, but i've honestly never payed attention to them. Last night Scott Cate was here in town giving a presentation to the local .Net user group and he was using Resharper, I must say I was thoroughly impressed with what I saw of the tool. Before I step out and try to talk the boss into a few licenses for the office, I'm looking for some more input. So tell me, what are your thoughts on Resharper? Likes? Dislikes? What does it help you to do better in your every day coding tasks? Posted from...
Over the weekend (I missed it because I was working on my car all weekend www.project240z.com) DotNetNuke 4.5.4 dropped, you can get it from www.dotnetnuke.com You can see a list of changes on the Gemini site at https://support.dotnetnuke.com I've cleaned up the list a bit and posted it here as well. Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5075 Adding/deleting security roles - notification/date format.  Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5239 Issue with "required" profile properties. Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5433 Redirect after login   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5616 Core code should not reference external images... >Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5646 last lock-out date incorrect   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5765 Sitemap.aspx Including Link to DotNetNuke.com   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5614 Page Quota Not Working in Demo Portals   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5771 Profile Definition Required Needs to be Tied to Visibility   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5715 Install wizard runs when database is missing Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5727 Can't delete default home page after installation/yellow screen of death   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5803 Save stylesheet in site settings clears selected logo   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5855 Upgrade Status Indicator   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5787 Account Login module is not visible to logged in users   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5847 Add Existing Module no longer allows settings change to original   Admin / Host Functions Bug DNN-5862 Module Cache Expiration   Admin / Host Functions Enhancement DNN-5805 short circuit check for known account defaults   Admin / Host Functions Enhancement DNN-5854 Google Adsense Support   Control Panel Bug DNN-1579 Misleading Tooltips  General Bug DNN-5754 Profile Property Names that contain spaces raise js errors   Installation / Upgrade Bug DNN-5853 *.ZIP Packages should be installed automatically   Installation / Upgrade Bug DNN-5605 Password length error string   Installation / Upgrade Bug DNN-5606 Possible incorrect description text   Localization / ML Bug DNN-5835 typo in manage users localization file   Localization / ML Bug DNN-2612 XML Error in Resource Verifier   Localization / ML Enhancement DNN-5778 Inconsistent on page help text on the Account Login module Help buttons   Performance Bug DNN-5852 Add Tab Hangs on Site with large volume of Pages   Performance Task DNN-5714 unneccesary call in BuildDiv method of FieldEditorControl   Security Bug DNN-5802 ReturnUrl - Cross Site Request Forgery Vector   Security Bug DNN-5829 DNN Membership Preventing Active Directory Login   Security Bug DNN-5746 New user registration not working if specific page defined   Security Bug DNN-5734 Roles duplicated on "Global Roles" due to list values   Security Bug DNN-2593 Custom module permissions not deleted   Security New Feature DNN-678 SSL Support Skinning Bug DNN-4590 DNN not rendering link to skins CSS file   Skinning Bug DNN-5618 FixImagePath routine trashing APPIMAGEPATH   Skinning Bug DNN-5672 Pagingtable class made ineffective by hard-coded styles   Templates Bug DNN-5549 CS1010: Newline in constant error after creating new CS module using template   UI / Usability Bug DNN-5628 Assignment issue in HelpButtonControl   UI / Usability Bug DNN-5708 Wrong CSS class specified for "Manage User Credentials" tab   I'll be updating my sites today! Also, check out the "New Feature" of SSL support in the Core! Sweet! Posted from...
Sometimes you just have to take a break at the office and play with toys! I must say, our office environment is great, everyone is under 40 (except for Grandpa Henry), and we get to enjoy our days. We are always looking for experienced or willing to learn DotNetNuke developers at Engage Software. Below is a link to some of the fun we had yesterday. (right click and download the file before trying to watch it, it is a 350mb file, as it's in HD) https://www.christoc.com/video/7-19-07/7-19chopper.wmv   Posted from...
Henry has put together a video tutorial covering DotNetNuke Membership providers, sort of as a follow up to his original blog post a few months back discussing the topic. His blog post and subsequent forum posts have generated a lot of questions. If you're looking for how to get started with creating your own DNN membership provider be sure to check it out. Posted from...
Welcome back to the DotNetNuke tips! I started doing this over a year ago, though with getting married last fall and working on my Datsun 240Z lately I haven't blogged near as much lately about DNN topics. So here we go, starting up again with my DotNetNuke Tips. Today's tip follows: When you're doing testing locally with a backup for a Production Database and Website one of the things you need to be sure to do is change your Portal Alias for your local URL, instead of your production URL. If you don't do this you'll hit the local URL and it will most likely redirect you to the production URL. This can cause a bit of chaos if you don't notice that you're no longer on the local/testing URL and start modifying the production web site. To change your portal alias you can do the following. Open your SQL Server management tool; SQL Enterprise Manager, SQL Server Management Studio, or whatever you choose to use. Browse to your local/test database, open up the PortalAlias table. You can either Modify your existing Alias, or you can add a new Alias to this table. test.myurl.com for example, be sure to setup the proper portal ID if you're adding a new alias and you have a lot of different aliases in there. You might also need to setup the aliases for the child portals as well if you plan on using those. The next step is crucial. You'll want to reset your website before you try to hit the new alias. You can do that in a couple of ways, I always prefer to open up the web.config file, add a carriage return and hit save. This will cause IIS to reload the site, clearing out the cache and loading the new portal aliases. Look for more DotNetNuke tips coming soon!Posted from...

Michael Washington has put out a new module developers guide for DotNetNuke, he's got a link in his latest blog to the documentation page on DotNetNuke.com. Check it out, Michael has been hard at work on these two documents (parts 1 and 2) over the past few months, and they are great resources for getting familiar with DNN development. Posted from...

This past week has been pretty darn busy, actually, so far 2007 has been pretty darn busy. At work we've been cranking away on a pretty large project built upon DotNetNuke. It's like nothing I've seen done successfully with DNN before, so it'll be interesting to see when this latest version goes public how well it does. It's rewarding, but a damn lot of work lately. I can't wait for February. I keep telling myself in February I'm going to start working on my car again, www.project240z.com Posted from...
Last week I got started on getting the DotNetNuke Wiki module into a 4.4.0 source solution, so that I could convert the module to ASP.NET 2.0 and debug it in Visual Studio. Normally this wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary, I setup DotNetNuke solutions for a living, I can do it in my sleep, but I decided I was going to do all of this on my main machine running Windows Vista Ultimate edition. You would think this might not be too difficult, but it sure was. Here's what I was starting with. DotNetNuke 4.4.0 Source package, available for download from www.dotnetnuke.com. Visual Studio 2005 w/ SP1 IIS7 Installed IIS6 compatibility partially installed. After multiple failures, and quite a bit of head smashing (on the wall) I gave up for the weekend. I blogged about the troubles, and a little birdie came to the rescue (If you read this birdie and don't mind me mentioning your name let me know)! The little birdie pointed out the Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista Beta. I believe this update did the trick because after installing the update everything seemed to work! Here are some of the things I know you have to perform, as well as the update, to get DNN, Vista and VS2k5 to play nicely. I hope I didn't leave anything out. 1. Install IIS7 (found in the control panel, classic view, programs and features, "Turn windows features on or off"). 2. Install IIS6 Compatibility, the screenshot below is what my IIS installed features look like 3. Create your web site in IIS, I actually created a new site, not a virtual directory. A benefit of IIS7 on Vista, the ability to create multiple web sites! I just used localhost as the host header, and pointed it to the location of my extracted DNN files. 4. For the Application Pool in IIS I chose the Classic .Net AppPool 5. Under the Authentication section of your IIS web site be sure to enable Windows Authentication 6. Configure the rest of your DotNetNuke installation the normal way. (Setup the proper folder permissions, network service account gets full rights to the web site folder). Setup your web.config file to use the proper connection strings. 7. Open Visual Studio 2005 using the Run As Administrator option if you're using UAC 8. Open up the DotNetNuke.sln file from your extracted files. When you run the site for the first time DNN should run through it's installation procedures, installing the database, extracting a few modules, etc. I did have a problem with the project the first two times I ran it, but on the third try it seemed to install properly. I don't know if it was just a fluke or not the first two times, but all is well now. 9. Now I'm able to run and debug the DotNetNuke 4.4.0 solution on my Windows Vista machine. Hope this helps some of you out in your endeavors. (All of the screenshots were made utilizing the Snipping tool inside of Windows Vista. Where's snippy? I get to it by clicking on start, and typing SNIP into the search bar, try it out!) Technorati tags: Visual Studio 2005, VS2005, General Software Development, DotNetNuke, Vista, Daily TipsPosted from...
My good buddy Chad Hobson has created his first meaningful technical blog post to help the masses. He had some issues when upgrading to Asp.Net Ajax Beta 2 for his AutoCompleteExtender controls and took the time to create a helpful post on how to make those controls work. Be sure to drop Chad a comment on his blog as well, tell him how cool he is in that mean looking photo. Posted from...
If you're a MSDN subscriber Office 2007 is available for download. I'm not the first one to post it on weblogs.asp.net but I had to do it anyways to get the word out to those subscribed to my blog. Posted from...

Chris Hammond

Chris Hammond is a father, husband, leader, software developer, photographer and car guy. Chris focuses on the latest in technology including artificial intelligence (AI) and has spent decades becoming an expert in ASP.NET and DotNetNuke (DNN) development. You will find a variety of posts relating to those topics here on the website. For more information check out the about Chris Hammond page.

Find me on Twitter, GitHub and LinkedIn.