· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Another ALCS poll
Discover where the 2004 ALCS ranks among greatest series and more! See the poll results and predictions for the thrilling Game 7 between Red Sox and Yankees.

Looks like the momentum has shifted and the voting has changed a bit in this latest poll!
Vote: ALCS Best Ever?
Can Red Sox win in 7?
1) Where does the 2004 ALCS rank among the greatest series of all-time?
- 51.3% It’s top 3
- 40.1% It’s the greatest ever
- 8.6% It’s good but not great
2) What is your reaction to Curt Schilling’s performance in Game 6?
- 44.0% Gutsiest thing I’ve ever seen
- 25.9% Almost up there with Willis Reed
- 23.1% He was tougher than I anticipated
- 6.9% He’s a good pitcher, so what’s the big deal?
3) What was your reaction to Alex Rodriguez and the interference call in the eighth inning of Game 6?
- 63.9% He was trying to cheat and should be embarrassed
- 36.1% He just reacted in the heat of the moment
4) What will you remember most about Game 6?
- 38.0% Curt Schilling’s pitching performance
- 23.5% Alex Rodriguez interference
- 17.3% Curt Schilling’s bloody sock
- 14.8% Riot police taking the field in 8th inning
- 6.3% Mark Bellhorn’s home run bouncing off fan onto the field
5) Will Pedro Martinez pitch at any point in Game 7?
- 56.8% Yes
- 43.2% No
6) Who will be the MVP of Game 7?
- 39.8% David Ortiz
- 16.5% Manny Ramirez
- 12.8% Other
- 8.9% Derek Lowe
- 7.4% Tim Wakefield
- 4.7% Derek Jeter
- 3.5% Keith Foulke
- 2.6% Alex Rodriguez
- 2.4% Mariano Rivera
- 1.4% Kevin Brown
7) Who do you want to win Game 7?
- 89.7% Red Sox
- 10.3% Yankees
8) Who will win Game 7?
- 76.2% Red Sox
- 23.8% Yankees
Total Votes: 6,452