· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Back from Vacation!
Discover highlights from 9 adventurous days—SCCA Solo II Nationals in Topeka, a wedding in Phoenix, and more in-between! Photos available at the links.

I’m back from 9 days out of town. First I went to the SCCA Solo II Nationals in Topeka Kansas you can check out some of the photos from the ProSolo Finale and from Nationals.
Thursday morning, after 4 hours of sleep, I drove back to St. Louis and caught a flight Thursday evening to Phoenix for Faye’s wedding. Check out some of the photos from the wedding!
overall it was a good 9 days. Nationals didn’t go as well as I had hoped, but it was better than last year. I did however get dehydrated one day and fairly sick, but after a few gatorades I was back to normal. Hopefully more details on the past 9 days later, I have work to catch up on!