· Chris Hammond
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Being a Red Sox fan in St. Louis during the 2004 World Series...
Join the excitement as a Red Sox fan shares their experiences and thoughts during the intense World Series week in St. Louis. Fun interactions and ticket hunting ahead!
Here begins what could be a very interesting week for Red Sox fans everywhere!
I'll be posting my thoughts on the week, and my experiences here in St. Louis. I have yet to procure any tickets to the World Series, but I'll be going down the the stadium each night trying to get tickets on the street.
Today (Saturday Game1) I was walking in West County mall, into one store and right back out. I got boo'd when I was walking in, and on the way out an older lady told me she hopes the Red Sox lose!
I then went to Shop-n-Save on Lindbergh in Soco, where I was almost run over by an older lady in a sedan, who knowingly saw me... Inside the store one of the employees said “Does Damon play for the Astros? Oh, that's a Red Sox Jersey, I can't believe he's wearing that” I don't know if she thought I couldn't hear, or didn't care. When checking out another employee came up to me and wished me luck, said she was a Cards fan but her daughter lives in Maine and is a Red Sox fan. On the way out a lady was finishing her cigarette, in front of her 12 year old (guess at the age) daughter, “Red Sox????” I just said, Yes....
This will be a fun week! :)