· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Doom 3 console and cheat codes
Discover cheat codes for a better gaming experience with this list for your favorite console. Learn more in this post! #GamingCheats #ConsoleHacks #GameShortcuts

UNTESTED but listed for your enjoyment.
Bring the console up with [~] and type the following codes in to blow the monsters back to hell:)
Note: To enable the console, add +set com_allowConsole 1 to your command-line shortcut for the game. Alternately, you can try using [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [~] to bring up the console.
aviDemo = Saves a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file benchmark = Game Benchmark doomhell = Skip all levels to last freeze = Freeze all on screen gfxinfo = Graphicscard infomation god = God mode noclip = No Clip notarget = Invisibility to most enemies com_drawfps 1 = Show FPS give all = Full load of weapons and ammo give doom95 = Load the ‘95 version of Doom give keys = Acquire all the keys you’ll ever need give weapon_machinegun = Machinegun give weapon_shotgun = Shotgun give weapon_plasmagun = Plasmagun give weapon_bfg = BFG give weapon_chainsaw = Chainsaw give weapon_rocketlauncher = Rocket Launcher status = Your game status quit = Quit aka Exit
Below is the rest of the codes. At the moment we don’t have time to find out what they’re all good for. Play around with them yourselves!!
_use _moveRight _moveLeft _moveDown _forward _back _right _left _lookDown _lookUp _attack _moveUp _speed _strafe _button7 _button6 _button5 _button4 _button3 _button2 _button1 _button0 aasStats addarrow addline blinkline bindlist bind centerview compressDemo connect clearlights conDump clear cvar_restart cvarlist combineCubeImages crash collisionModelInfo dirtyfeet dir demoShot disconnect dmap echo envshot exec exportmodels editSounds editLight editor error fillrate flashlight focusSoundsEditor give game_memory in_restart kill killRagdolls killMoveables killMonsters keepTestModel listModels listSkins listMaterials listImages listModes listLightDefs listEntityDefs listMonsters listEntities listThreads listSounds listAnims listCollisionModels listlines listVertexCache map modulateLights noclip notarget nextanim overlayGUI path poplight parsewait printShader printMode playDemo playCmdDemo playerModel prevanim reload reloadSounds reloadSoundShaders reloadFx reloadanims reexportmodels removeline runReach runAAS recordCmdDemo recordDemo recordCmdDemo recordDemo renderbumpFlat renderbump roq reloadGuis reset regenerateWorld reloadImages reloadShaders reloadModels script reloadEntityDefs s_musictrack s_cacheInvalidate s_cacheInfo s_restart seta set spawn setviewpos setStepGamma setu sets sizeDown sizeUp screenshot spawnServer stopRecording say testTrace testImage testShader testBump testLight touchFx touchGui touchFile toggle testSIMD touchMaterial testFx touchSound listSoundShaders touchParticle testDamage testblend testanim testParticle testModel testWipe testGUI timeDemo testmap touchSkin touchModel unbind unbindall vid_restart vstr writeConfig writePrecache weapon weapnext where weapprev weaponSplat