· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

The king of all of nothing

Discover a surprising interview with Jonathan Davis of Korn on Howard Stern's show. Learn about the rocker's childhood and family life in this insightful chat.

Discover a surprising interview with Jonathan Davis of Korn on Howard Stern's show. Learn about the rocker's childhood and family life in this insightful chat.

So the alarm comes on this morning and I hit snooze the required 3-4 times per morning. It’s blaring 105.7 at 7AM, which has the king of all that is bad, Howard Stern, on in the mornings. I absolutely cannot stand the guy, IMO Howard Stern is just a dork who surrounds himself with people lower than himself so they can boost and praise him.

This morning I actually listened to the show for a bit though. He had Jonathan Davis from Korn on this morning, talking about Jonathan’s childhood and family life. It was kind of interesting, as I’ve always been a HUGE Korn fan, ever since Kevin Corcoran (sp?) gave me a tape of their first album back in 94. I knew he had a screwed up childhood, but to hear him talk about it was definitely interesting.

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