· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

True to my nature

Discover how this blogger revamped solo2.org in just 30 minutes through a minor makeover, saving space and changing colors for a fresh look, all to avoid starting a new project. #websiteupdate #refresheddesign

Discover how this blogger revamped solo2.org in just 30 minutes through a minor makeover, saving space and changing colors for a fresh look, all to avoid starting a new project. #websiteupdate #refresheddesign

True to my nature of needing change, I spent the past 30 minutes messing around with solo2.org. Gave it a minor make over.

I’ve trimmed down the mast head by 50% to save space, changed the coloring of the masthead, removed the car photo for a little while as well. I also modified the coloring of the menu…

It was either do that, or buy another domain name and start up a new project… I swear I have ADD.

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