· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Unblocking MSN Messenger

Discover a workaround to access MSN Messenger at work by using MSN Web Messenger at https://webmessenger.msn.com or try a Google homepage plugin to bypass firewalls. Chat hassle-free! #MSN #webmessenger #workaround

Discover a workaround to access MSN Messenger at work by using MSN Web Messenger at https://webmessenger.msn.com or try a Google homepage plugin to bypass firewalls. Chat hassle-free! #MSN #webmessenger #workaround

As most corporate networks are opening up to allowing their employees to use MSN Messenger, my former employer, has gone and blocked it! Shortly after I left they started blocking their staff who had previously been able to access MSN Messenger from within the walls of the office, from accessing MSN.

Well guess what! Now you can use MSN Messenger via the Web! check out

<A href=”#” “>webmessenger.msn.com

and chat away!

Update (12-27-06): For those of you who can’t get to the web messenger site, I’ve heard rumors of there being a plugin for your google homepage that allows you to sign into MSN messenger and get around any corporate/school firewalls that are blocking MSN Messenger. I’ve yet to try it myself, but you may find it useful.

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