· Chris Hammond
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Update for the past week?

Moving day success! Unpacked, but still a lot to do. Bowling fun turns painful with a finger injury. Will it require a trip to the doctor? #moving #bowling #injury

Moving day success! Unpacked, but still a lot to do. Bowling fun turns painful with a finger injury. Will it require a trip to the doctor? #moving #bowling #injury

Well, I am moved, Saturday I had a few guys help me finish loading up Dave’s trailer. We took everything from the old place and brought it to the new place, got everything unloaded, and that’s how most of it sits! I have quite a bit unpacked, but no where near all of it.

Last night I went bowling again with the team, looks like I’m going to be bowling once a month right now. I started out doing well, darn well actually, but my usual self started over analyzing my bowling and I slowly started doing worse. Halfway through the second game I was cleaning my ball of prior to rolling it, my usual cleaning method is to spin the ball with my towl in my left handing holding the ball as it spins. Well, last night I left my right ring finger in the ball as it spun, not a very good sound was heard when I did that! I heard a bit of ripping, then the pain started. The pain didn’t last too long, I bowled my two shots and then went and got some ice.

The pain kind of came and went throughout the night.This morning I can see the pain! The last joint in that finger is swollen up, and hard to bend. What I managed to do when spinning the ball was take the tip of the finger and twist/tweak it around that joint. I’ll see how it feels, perhaps a trip to the doctor will be in order, but I’ll try not to!

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