· Chris Hammond
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What a weekend Part 1. Papa Roach at Mississippi Nights
Join us on an unforgettable journey backstage with Papa Roach at Mississippi Nights! Discover surprising connections, personal stories, and rockstar encounters.

Well, this is the first post about a great weekend!
Friday night Roger and I went to Mississippi Nights to see Papa Roach, Trust Co. and Chronic Future. When we got there we noticed the guys from proach were standing out on the side parking lot talking to fans. So we parked and walked around there to say hello. I said hello to Jerry, the guitar player, and told him we’d met before, at Pop’s in Sauget Illinois in 2001, and that I went to school with his brother. He faintly remembered meeting me, or at least acted like he did.
After saying hello to Jerry I walked over to Jacoby, the lead singer, and said hello, told him I went to high school with his wife. To which he replied, “She’s here, on the bus.” So I went over and waited by the bus until they were done with their signing, which I came to find out later was an invite only signing. I guess Roger and I just looked like we belonged there? :)
After the signing Jacoby got Kelly off the bus, she came out and said hello, asked what the hell I was doing in Missouri (I know, it’s not the most exciting of states, but it’s been home for 9 years now). Roger and I went in and watched the first two bands, I am not much of being right up in the crowd, so at Mississippi Nights it is nice because we could grab a chair in the back and still be able to see.
Later in the evening I noticed kelly was inside watching Papa Roach play, I went up to her and another girl (kelly is in black, jennifer in the striped shirt) at the bar to say hello. We talked for probably an hour to an hour and a half. We got caught up on all sorts of things. Kelly just had her second son, 6 weeks ago, named Jagger. Her and Jennifer had flown out and met up with the guys in Wichata the night before, they were on tour with them until Monday and then were heading back to California and the kids.
Jennifer also went to Vanden High School and was in our class (95). Jennifer married Tobin, the bass player for Papa Roach. Jennifer also has two kids now. All the kids (4) were staying at Kelly’s mom’s house while they were out on tour with the band. Kelly told me about everything that’s been going on, how life still is very regular for her, even though she’s married to a rock star!
It was a great evening, getting caught up with Kelly and Jennifer, getting to hang out with the band members afterwards. I didn’t know this, but Dave, the drummer, is married to a Tyler, as in one of Steven Tyler’s daughters, Mia to be exact. Seeing things from the otherside, you realize how real people are, even though they look so far away, they are just regular people to, it’s nice to see that.
Best of luck to the band, and to Kelly, Jennifer and the kids. I hope to see them all again soon, who knows, maybe they will show up at our 10 year reunion next year at Vanden!