· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Act of War: Direct Action, Dale Brown and Atari team up

Discover a new game twist in the world of technothriller with Act of War Direct Action by Atari, created in collaboration with author Dale Brown.

Discover a new game twist in the world of technothriller with Act of War Direct Action by Atari, created in collaboration with author Dale Brown.

I finished reading Dale Brown’s Plan of Attack last night, figured I would check to see if there was any news on his web site about a new book.

Instead I find a link to this game, Act of War Direct Action, by Atari. I’ll definitely have to check this one out a bit more later today!

Something found on Atari’s Forums

“It does initially sound a bit incongruous, doesn't it? Here's how it all went down, and you'll be seeing more articles about this in the press I'm sure. (In fact, there's an excellent article in the January PC Gamer magazine.) Eugen realized that they were programmers, not storywriters. So instead of coming up with some plot themselves, they came to us (Atari) and we hooked them up with technothriller author Dale Brown. We licensed the Act of War property to Dale and contracted with him to create a story based in this world we had created. Dale's books are known for having a geopolitical spin to them, countries of the world clashing, clandestine organizations working together, that sort of thing. This is no exception, and the result is a pretty darn good plot for a computer game, with a focus on US anti-terrorism.”
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