· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Drove by the Praxair Explosion Site

Explore exclusive photos taken at the Praxair explosion site, showing blocked-off areas and lingering hazards. Stay tuned for further updates this week.

Explore exclusive photos taken at the Praxair explosion site, showing blocked-off areas and lingering hazards. Stay tuned for further updates this week.

(links long removed) i got my boss to drive by the Praxair explosion site after we had a meeting downtown on Monday.

Here are the photos I snapped. Nothing really too interesting, they pretty much have everything blocked off well, though this shot shows a vehicle completely gutted and random metal lying around on the ground.

You’d think they would come up with some different storage methods after the problems they had last week, yet this photo shows all the canisters still sitting outside together!

This guy was napping while manning the truck that is still spraying water on the site, I assume to cool things down.

Maybe later this week I’ll get down and get some better pictures.

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