· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Killed me a coon tonight!

Discover how a driver narrowly avoided hitting an unexpected visitor on the road in a Grand Cherokee vs. a Z model car in this heart-stopping story.

Discover how a driver narrowly avoided hitting an unexpected visitor on the road in a Grand Cherokee vs. a Z model car in this heart-stopping story.

Luckily I wasn’t driving my car tonight! I was driving in the Grand Cherokee down Manchester. It was running across the road, I swerved a bit, but wasn’t going to go nuts in the Jeep because I don’t generally drive such a large vehicle. When I saw it was a coon and not a cat/dog I just kept the jeep under control instead of risking hurting us, under the back tire it went the darn thing went. I guarantee I could have missed it in the Z, I WOULD have missed it in the Z, it was a damn large coon.

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