· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Stories of a trip to Kansas City.
Learn the importance of timely tire replacement on a rainy road trip. Don't wait like this blogger - stay safe and avoid the risk! #tirereplacement #roadsafety

So I’ve know I needed to replace the rear tires on the Z for a while now, they wore too darn fast, but I’m honestly not sure why. So Thursday I ordered some tires from the Tire Rack, the were supposed to arrive Friday or Monday.
Thursday afternoon we head to Kansas City to see the Red Sox play. Well, long story short, the game sucked, the Sox lost. Right after the game it started pouring rain. I thought, great, this will be fun to drive home in. So we leave the stadium, go the long way out, but avoid pretty much all the traffic in doing so. On 70 and headed for St. Louis. So it’s not the funnest of rides, actually pretty scary, holding on the wheel just hoping the backend doesn’t stap around on me.
I’m honestly thinking we’ll be alright if I can just make it past the storm, knowing it’s only been raining for 15 minutes. We end up stopping at exit 28 and crashing in a hotel for the evening, not worth the risk of driving on those tires to try to make it home. So Friday morning we wake up, to more rain. We trek on to Odessa Missouri hoping to find some breakfast, a break in the weather, or some new tires. Odessa is a pretty small down, and none of the tire dealers had anything that would work. So we ate breakfast, and I dropped the tire pressure in the rear tires hoping to gain some traction and make the trip safe. We hit the highway again, less rain now, but the further we go, the more rain we hit.
About 40 miles from Columbia the car gets stupid again, not wanting to stay on the road, so I slow it down to ~40 miles per hour, on the highway, flashers on. We stop in Columbia, and $350 and one hour later I have two new Falken Ziex ze512s from the Sears autocenter, not to mention the money spent shopping in the mall while we waited!
So we leave Columbia, and guess what we found the whole final half of the trip. Sunshine, and not a single drop of rain…
Lesson learned, replace your tires earlier!
Photos of the game up later today.