· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Friday at the Walnut Ridge ProSolo

Join Chris for an eventful day at the novice intro with practice starts in St. Louis. From timing issues to rain troubles, read all about it here!

Join Chris for an eventful day at the novice intro with practice starts in St. Louis. From timing issues to rain troubles, read all about it here!

We got into town early this afternoon. I ended up filling up with gas before I got out of St. Louis, that was a mistake, 200 miles later I still have a half a tank. So I drove the car to the hotel tonight rather than leaving it at the event site, needed to burn off as much gas as I can before tomorrow.

We got setup and Andy did the novice intro with practice starts. Before the novice guys got any starts the staff was out there replacing the Christmas Tree, apparently they were having timing issues. Andy got 4 starts in, with one redlight. I got in light, at the end of what looked like 40-50 cars and waited, for almost 2 hours before I finally got up to take some practice starts. During that two hours a lot occured. There were a very large number of issues with the lights, I’m not sure exactly what they were, but the staff appeared hard at work trying to get things fixed.

Then came the rain. It didn’t rain too much, but enough to create quite a few troubles, and it looked like they were going to cancel the practice starts but the rain let up and the lights started working properly again. I think everyone who had lined up for starts got their runs. We got in a few more course walks after we ran off to registration, had a bit to eat and then headed back to the hotel.

A few trips to Wal Mart later and it’s about bed time. Hopefully will post more tomorrow, including video!


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