· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
My 350Z Trailer Hitch is Available!
Discover the versatile towing capabilities of the Tuxedo Park Racing hitch for the Nissan 350z. Read our post for insights and expert advice.
Well, it’s not really “mine”, but the company who developed the hitch I use on my car is now selling them to other folks.
https://www.tuxedoparkracing.com/350zhitch.html (no longer available)
If you’ve got any questions please feel free to ask, I’ll try to answer any that I can.
I’ve towed my 6x8 trailer with this for well over a year now. Even hauled THREE sets of wheels/tires down to Walnut Ridge Arkansas earlier this year. I generally take two sets, tools, chair, cooler, bike, etc on the 6x8. I’ve hauled some weight with this thing.
We’ve even taken the time to remove the hitch for events, though most of the time I just leave it on the car and run with the extra weight in the back.
While the Tuxedo Park Hitch is no longer available I have a new blog post regarding trailer hitches for the Nissan 350z.