· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Project 240Z Update for July 8th 2006
Making progress on the 240Z restoration project. Disconnecting parts to pull the motor for upgrades. Next on the list: engine mounts & transmission.

Well, it’s been nearly a month since I last worked on the 240Z, had a few events in there, July 4th, and various other activities keeping me away from the car, but mostly it was just me being lazy.
So today I spent a couple hours out in the garage wrenching. I got just about everything left that needs to be disconnected to pull the motor disconnected. Pulled the rusty exhaust out from under the car and threw it into my junk pile outside.
Here’s what I know I have left to do to pull the motor/tranny.
Disconnect the shaft from the transmission.
Put the mounts for the hooks from the 83 motor onto the 73 motor.
Disconnect the transmission mount
Disconnect the engine mounts and lift it out.
Hopefully I can get that done next weekend!