· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Robert Cook is a hero...
Discover the inspiring story of Robert Cook, a heroic Lambda Chi Alpha brother whose courage left a lasting impact. Honor his memory at www.alphadeltazeta.org.

Over the past weekend, we lost a brother of Lambda Chi Alpha. Robert Cook of Rolla, Missouri, was tragically killed in a plane crash in Sullivan, Missouri.
A Hero Remembered
In the aftermath of the crash, one of the survivor’s fathers called Robert a hero, attributing his actions to saving his daughter’s life. Robert’s bravery and quick thinking in such a dire situation exemplify the true spirit of a Lambda Chi Alpha brother.
Honoring Robert
Robert, thank you. We’ll miss you dearly. Your courage and selflessness will always be remembered by those whose lives you touched.
For more information about Robert and to read tributes from his brothers and friends, please visit our fraternity site at alphadeltazeta.org.