· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Vista Release Installed at home
Discover how I optimized my computer with Vista and essential software like Office Pro and Live Messenger. Learn about my experience using Windows Live Writer.

Well, I spent most of the day today doing a few things around the house. First, I took the good wheels off the Tahoe and put the stock wheels and tires back on. I figured that with Winter upon us I’d rather leave the shiney wheels down in the basement.
While I was changing the wheels I had Vista installing on my machine again. I used the same machine that I had RC1/RC2 installed on, but this time I started over, as I had done with RC1, but not RC2. I installed Vista fresh on this machine.
Everything is great so far. I installed Office Pro, Live Messenger, and a few other things. One of those other items is Windows Live Writer. I hadn’t tried it out before (yes, I know, I’m behind). This is my first post with it, I’m not yet sure how I feel about it, but we’ll see. Hope this post works, otherwise I may never try it again.
As for the Vista machine, I’ve made the switch, I imported my 1.1gig PST file over to this machine, and setup most of my email accounts on it, so I’ll be using this machine for all my email, development now.
What’s left? To get ZUNE working with Vista, then I’ll be all set! Once that happens I’ll also install Vista on my laptop, the 64bit version of course.