· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Wedding day was simply amazing!
Experience the joy of a perfect wedding day with close friends and family. DJ Scott from Coastline Music and John Bordon Photography helped capture the magic!

Wow, it came and went so fast. Natalie and I had the most excellent time of our lives (anyone know what song/movie?).
Our wedding day was perfect, beautiful weather, lots of close friends and family, and we got to marry each other! Pictures coming soon!
Our DJ Scott at Coastline Music was awesome.
John and Howard from John Bordon Photography were both excellent as well. I don’t think I’d ever see so many flashes in my life! It was a great.
Thanks to all of our friends and family who made the trip out. I know the weather threw a kink in some plans for folks, but everyone in St. Louis made it out, though with a few days worth of trying to catch flights! All of the overseas folks made it without too much hassle as well!
Most of all, thank you to our parents, you all have done more for both of us than we could have ever expected or even asked for. Thanks for making our day so special.
Thanks again to everyone, we’re sitting at the airport in Miami right now, getting a bit of rest. We fly to Costa Rica here in a few hours!