· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

What's your Vista Windows Experience Index score?

Upgrade your Windows Vista experience for better performance! Learn how adding more RAM and a new graphics card transformed this user's computing efficiency.

Upgrade your Windows Vista experience for better performance! Learn how adding more RAM and a new graphics card transformed this user's computing efficiency.

Just over a week and a half ago I installed Windows Vista Ultimate RC1 on the newest of my desktop machines. Overall it’s been a pleasurable experience, unlike some of the other DotNetNuke core team members have had!

So far Vista has worked out well with me for VS 2005, I even got a release out for DnnCart.com last week that was completely written on this VISTA box.

I did realize a few things though. I NEEDED to get more RAM. Trying to run Photoshop and VIsual Studio 2k5, as well as a few RDP windows was very taxing on the box. The machine is a Dell, Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz dual core, RADEON X300/X550 Series (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM), 149gig SATA drive. It had 768mb of RAM on it (a mix of 3200 and 4200. With those stats my Windows Experience Index has a base score of 2.0. The limiting number being the Graphics card.

Here’s a shot of my score

This evening I installed 2 gigs of DDR2 4200 RAM, and so far it is flying! Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be installing a nVidia GeForce 7900GS 256MB PCI-E x16 Video Card that I got off of www.Woot.com a few weeks back, this weekend I also ordered a Seagate 250GB SATA Hard Drive refurb off of woot. I’ve gotta pick up a DVI to VGA converter tomorrow so I can use the car, my 19” VGA just won’t fit into the DVI plug! I ordered two off Tiger Direct last week, but of course I ordered the wrong ones. I figure once I install this new card my score should go up quite a bit! We’ll see how it goes.

After I get the score up I’ll have to look into getting another monitor up here as well, I’m itching to try my hand in a dual screen setup, though two 19” CRTs will sure take up a lot of deskspace!

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