· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Who's that at the Gateway Cup?
Discover photos from previous Gateway Cup races in St. Louis. Follow the link to view captivating shots by the photographer and find more updates soon!

(article link no longer valid)
There’s an article about this year’s Gateway Cup races over labor day weekend here in St. Louis, the photo in the article though is a shot of my brother Greg. He came out for the races in 2003 and 2004, but not last year and won’t be attending this year.
I’ll be there this weekend however shooting photos, you can see some of my previous year’s photos by following the links below.
Previous Year’s Photos
2005 https://flickr.com/photos/chammond/albums/72157594261757789
I’m also working on putting the photos from past years up on Flickr, stay tuned as I may change the above links.