· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Harley Weekend Review (Friday)
Embark on a thrilling motorcycle adventure from Doc's Harley Davidson to Reid's Smorgasborg and beyond. Explore scenic routes and a seafood buffet in Illinois. Join the journey now!

Friday afternoon Kevin and I picked up Harleys from Doc’s Harley Davidson. We rented them for 24 hours. After we got all the paperwork squared away we suited up in our gear and hit the road. Since it had been a while since either of us had been on bikes we stayed on a few roads for a while.
We headed south from Doc’s with the intention of heading to Chester Illinois to try out a seafood buffet that Kevin had heard about. We took 270 to 255 across the river into Illinois and got off 255 at 3 South. Instead of taking 3 south though we got off on Bluff Road.
We took Bluff Road down to Valmeyer and from Valmeyer took 156 over to Waterloo. From there I think Kevin took us over to Hecker and 159 south down to Red Bud. Kevin pretty much led the first few hours of the ride. We ended up in Chester and passed by The Pigasus and gave the Harley a few horn honks in case James was around working on the Pigasus.
Instead of stopping for dinner we decided to ride for a bit longer, we went down to Kinkaid Lake and too our first rest stop there. I took a few photos on my cellphone in the parking lot
We left Kinkaid Lake and headed back to Chester to find Reid’s for dinner. We located Reid’s, and shoulda known by the name what we were in for. Reid’s Smorgasborg, what do you think it’s like? The food was alright for a seafood buffet, though I think we had nicer dining room furniture at the fraternity house in college. While at Reid’s I tried Frog’s Legs for the first time, tasted like Chicken.
From Reid’s we decided it was time to head home, we decided we’d go up the Missouri side, taking Highway 55 North. On the way across the River we stopped at the Popeye statue just before the bridge.
The trip North was not near as nice as the trip south was. By the time we finished dinner it was nearly 9pm, and it must of been 60 degrees or less. Lucky for me I had my fullface helmet and my bike jacket on, it kept me fairly warm, but Kevin had some issues. He had an open face helmet, fingerless gloves, and a sweatshirt on. At 70-80mph on a bike the wind can be a little rough, and darn cold! We had to stop a few times coming north on 55 to warm up at a gas station. We got to 55/255 and split up, Kevin headed east towards Belleville, and I headed west up towards Creve Couer.
Saturday post coming soon!