· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Snowboarding Day 2
Discover a skiing adventure with luck on your side! Learn about free lift tickets, gear adjustments, and thrilling slopes in this exciting blog post.

So today I chose to rest my aching bones by sleeping in while the wife took off with her father. After the bro/sis in laws showed up we headed off to the slopes. They were fortunate enough to get a free lift ticket for today as they flew in today and filled out a form online before they came. Talk about a deal, they got to ski today for $30 (for rentals), while I spent $90 just for a half day pass and my rental.
I felt much better today, though it took me a little while to get there. I got a new board and boots today, the whole setup felt weird, I couldn’t get my right foot to work right so I took a seat and adjusted the bindings myself. Not really knowing what I was doing I had hoped that turning my right toe more towards the front (I ride regular not goofy) would help. Sure enough it did. Once adjusted the board felt just like yesterday. From there I was more comfortable and running around the slopes. I definitely took some harder falls today than I did yesterday but that can be attributed to the fact that I was pushing harder today than I was yesterday.
I’m not sure what the plan is for tomorrow yet, we’re getting some much needed snow now. If it lets up we might give it a go again tomorrow, otherwise we might wait until Thursday and spend tomorrow doing some other activities around town.
No photos from today, I tried hooking up my new camera from GoProCamera.com today but I wasn’t able to get the thing working. If I don’t have any luck later this week I might have to return the thing. Hopefully it will work though and I will be able to get some cool action footage (read: me falling a lot)
Till the next time.