· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Solo Nationals Day 1 (Tues)
Discover the thrill of racing in changing weather conditions. Follow along as I navigate the wet course in today's autocross event. #RacingInRain

Today was an interesting day. It started out dark, cold and wet, finished up bright sunny and almost hot.
It rained last night a bit, so the course was wet this morning when we were walking first thing.
I ran in CS today, the 5th car or so out in the 2nd heat on the West course. It started drizzling just as I was getting ready.
Every run I took was a different surface, the rain came, went, came and went, multiple times throughout the heat.
I ended up sitting in 9th, there are 7 trophy positions so I’ve got some work to do tomorrow! I took a LOT of video today, I’ll try to get it posted next week when I get back in town.