· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

A few weeks till OpenForce08

Discover what Engage has in store for Openforce 08 in Las Vegas! Visit booth #611 and meet the team from St. Louis. Exciting details await! #Openforce08

Discover what Engage has in store for Openforce 08 in Las Vegas! Visit booth #611 and meet the team from St. Louis. Exciting details await! #Openforce08

So there are only a couple of weeks left until Openforce 08 in Las Vegas. We (the guys from Engage) leave St. Louis two weeks from this coming Monday. We’re setting up a booth this year, #611, be sure to stop by and check it out.

As for the rest of the conference, it’s a must attend if you’re doing any DotNetNuke development or management within your organization, where else will you find so many DotNetNuke resources in one place? Last year there were 3 DNN booths in the expo hall, R2i, ActiveModules and the DNN Corp. This year there are 10 DNN Vendors setting up shop in the hall.

Personally though, I think the best part about Openforce last year wasn’t necessarily the sessions, or the expo hall, it was the people. DotNetNuke is a community for many of us, even though it is also a business, the community comes first. Openforce allows you the time to meet and interact face to face with members of that community, from the people who post in the forums daily, to the people who only read the posts but use DNN in their everyday lives for their employers.

That’s not to say the expo hall and sessions aren’t worth their weight in gold as well, but I look forward most to meeting more new community members, and connecting again with everyone I met last year in Las Vegas or even in Amsterdam at Openforce Europe just a few weeks ago!

There are a few new ways to interact with people this year as well. One evening during the week there will be a DNN social event at the conference, more information on this will be available as everything is finalized. Another new opportunity is something I will be involved heavily with. On Friday after the conference we will be offering a day of post-conference DotNetNuke training. With the help of two DNN Corp members Dang and I will be providing you a full day of best practice training for DNN, you can get registered for that training and the conference here.

See you in a few weeks!

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