· Chris Hammond
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Learn how to remove a motor from a 1995 Cobra and work on a Corvette's shocks efficiently. Tips to mount shocks easily and keep your car in top shape!

Learn how to remove a motor from a 1995 Cobra and work on a Corvette's shocks efficiently. Tips to mount shocks easily and keep your car in top shape!

Today I went over to Nick’s house for a while to work on removing the motor out of his 1995 Cobra. That took us FARRRR too long, stupid mustangs. We actually didn’t get it all the way out before I left, the ram on the cherry picker died on us when we were probably 95% done. He ran off to Cummins Tools to look for another one, I went home to work on the Corvette.

I took the Monroe Sensa Tracs off the front end and put the stock Z06 shocks back on the car. I figured out, thanks to a tip from Alex, the easy way to mount shocks is by compressing them and holding them closed with a zip tie. That made things a lot easier!

I did run into one issue taking off the Sensa Tracs. I thought I had lost a nut and washer off the top of the left front shock, when I went to remove them they weren’t there, just the bushing was sitting where the nut and washer should have been. Luckily though, I had just used too small a washer and the nut/washer had somehow managed to work itself through the bushing and I found them still attached, but below the bushing. I can’t image that would be possibly on most cars, but the bushing for the upper shock mount on the Z06 is in two peices, one with a fairly large center. I’m really lucky the bushing was still on the car!

I also took a few moments to try to clean up the greese that was thrown about on the right rear of the car. I put some RTV on the crack/split of the CV boot with hopes of sealing that off as a fix.

I’ll take the car out and drive around a bit tomorrow to make sure the shocks are working properly and make sure the boot is not leaking anymore. She also needs a bath, and perhaps some wax!

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