· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Corvette CV Boot, still leaking...
Read about a day in the life of a car enthusiast navigating repairs and maintenance with a touch of planning for a coming storm.

So I got up this morning, washed the F350 before Natalie took it back to the barn, where it will live until it gets used to tow again. (Good planning on my part sending it back to the barn with a winter storm supposedly hitting St. Louis tomorrow). I then washed the Z06 to get the travel grime off it from the trip back from Atlanta last weekend.
I then headed out for the day, driving around, picking Natalie up at the barn, running some errands. Every once in a while I would check the passenger rear wheel to see if I found any grease, throughout the day there was more and more, not a good sign. When I got home from errands I took the wheel off again and found that the RTV I had applied covered most of the crack in the CV boot, but not all of it.
So I went nuts with the RTV this time around, I put a LOT on :). With the hopes of erraticating the problem all together. I also sent an email off to Superior Chevrolet in Kansas City to see how much parts will cost me if I go ahead and replace the halfshaft next weekend.
I’ll drive the car tomorrow and keep an eye on the boot, hopefully not finding anything wrong!
I hit a milestone today, I rolled over 5000 miles since I picked up the car, so in just under 5 months I’ve put 5k miles on the car, it had ~7800 miles when I got it…