· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

DotNetNuke homepage won't load, keeps redirecting

Struggling to solve a laptop setup issue? Explore one tech enthusiast's journey and the unexpected search results. Find out more on the blog!

Struggling to solve a laptop setup issue? Explore one tech enthusiast's journey and the unexpected search results. Find out more on the blog!

Alright, so I was setting up my new laptop this week and ran into a problem. It was a familiar problem, but I couldn’t track it down. Forum posts didn’t help, google didn’t help (I kept finding my own damn blog as the number one result when searching) so I figured I would post the appropriate fix. That way when I search again and I find my own blog I will find the solution!

I’ve now seen this problem twice, once in Windows 2003, and now in Windows Vista.

DNN will install successfully, but after install I couldn’t get the homepage to load. Trying it in Firefox results in the dreaded redirection detection that Firefox has.

I uninstalled DNN, tried a different version of the Source package, no luck same problem. Then I stumbled across the fix.

Medium trust! I was using the development.config file as the web.config file, the development.config file has the trust level set to Medium, changing this value to Full corrects the problem.

So, if you’re having problems with your DNN instance redirecting indefinitely when you try to browse to the root, check your Trust settings in the web.config file.

Now that I have that figured out, I can start planning my day for tomorrow. I think I’ll start out by visiting the Smithsonian Museum, though I need to figure out which one to start at. I am pretty sure I’ve only been to the Air & Space museum, and while I would like to go there again, I feel like I must change it up! I can tell you one thing though, if I do go to the A&S museum I will be buying some astronaut ice cream like I did the first two times I went. I only have half the day or so before I need to head out ot Fedex Field and get registered for the ProSolo I’m racing in this weekend.

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