· Chris Hammond
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Earthquake in St. Louis MO

Stay updated on the St. Louis earthquake with the latest information and resources. Explore other blogs and USGS data to learn more about this 5.4 magnitude quake in West Salem, Illinois. #StLouisEarthquake #USGS #Earthquake

Stay updated on the St. Louis earthquake with the latest information and resources. Explore other blogs and USGS data to learn more about this 5.4 magnitude quake in West Salem, Illinois. #StLouisEarthquake #USGS #Earthquake

We just were awoken by an earthquake here in St. Louis. No other info yet. No damage, just a shaking house.

Update 4: I really wish I could go back to bed, but I know I’m not going to be able to sleep now! My drive to Kansas City this afternoon is going to be rough! Check out some of the other blogs being posted about the St. Louis Earthquake

It looks like the USGS is now placing the quake 9km NW of Mt. Carmel Illinois, I don’t know if that is West Salem, or somewhere else?

Update 3: I think the St. Louis University Earthquake Center must have been overloaded with traffic this morning, their website hasn’t loaded for me once this morning. https://www.eas.slu.edu/Earthquake_Center/

It’s funny watching the blogosphere light up with traffic this morning, even friends of mine are up posting!

A lot of comments on this post are saying “thanks for letting me know I’m not crazy”, I was totally thinking the same thing till I was able to find the info on the USGS site. Natalie thought the pipes were just shaking in our house, I was pretty darn confident this was not a localized issue just to our house. I’m glad to see that so far everyone seems to be safe.

Update 2: Alright, so my wife made me turn off the TV so she could try and go back to sleep so I’m sitting here looking at all the USGS info, it’s amazing how much info they have so quickly.

I haven’t been through an earthquake that I remember since the 7.3 and 7.1 quakes in Southern California in the early 90s, I am sure I probably felt something when we lived in Northern California, but that was easily 10+ years ago now.

Update 1: Apparently a 5.4 magnitude quake located in West Salem Illinois.

I found this on the USGS site 5 minutes before we finally found it on a news station, first one reporting info in St. Louis appears to be Fox2.

Some USGS Pages (all these links don’t work anymore) https://neic.usgs.gov/neis/bulletin/neic_qza6_t.html






Magnitude 5.4
  • Friday, April 18, 2008 at 09:36:56 UTC
  • Friday, April 18, 2008 at 04:36:56 AM at epicenter
Location 38.520°N, 87.873°W
Depth 5 km (3.1 miles) set by location program
  • 12 km (7 miles) E (90°) from West Salem, IL
  • 13 km (8 miles) NE (53°) from Bone Gap, IL
  • 14 km (9 miles) W (266°) from Allendale, IL
  • 36 km (22 miles) WSW (241°) from Vincennes, IN
  • 67 km (41 miles) NNW (335°) from Evansville, IN
  • 206 km (128 miles) E (93°) from St. Louis, MO
Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 4.1 km (2.5 miles); depth fixed by location program
Parameters NST=135, Nph=135, Dmin=31 km, Rmss=1.61 sec, Gp= 32°, M-type=moment magnitude (Mw), Version=8
Event ID us2008qza6
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