· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
I started writing our DotNetNuke book
Follow along as we delve into the journey of co-authoring a book on DotNetNuke. Stay tuned for updates and insights on our progress and writing process!

Pat and I have been meeting the past two weeks going over materials and thoughts for the book we are writing about DotNetNuke. I’ve worked on it quite a bit in that time frame, but with all my travelling in October and work as a result of that travelling I had only spent time flushing out the topics for my first chapter, trying to organize what I want to write about. But not actually starting the writing process around that content. My plan is to flush out as much as possible before hand and then write based on that assortment of information, I think this will help me organize my content and make sure I hit the topics I want to for each chapter and sections within those chapters.
So tonight I got into the actual writing process, and what did I write about? Something that wasn’t included in my flushed outline for the chapter. :) I did however go back and add that information to my outline so that I can look at my outlines for each chapter during and after the writing and locate exactly where I covered items for reference purposes.
It’s now 1:30am, far later than I had planned to go to sleep, but Natalie is out of town so I took the time to get started. Pat and I are meeting to go over where we are so far, my goal is to have my first chapter ready for submission by the 15th of the month, I think if I spend an hour or two each day, preferably more this weekend, working on it I can make that happen.
More updates later in the process!