· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Looking for DotNetNuke Modules? (minor rant, hopefully an informative post)
Discover insights on purchasing DNN modules and the evolution of the DotNetNuke ecosystem customer in this blog post at weblogs.asp.net. Explore more!

I’m going to start this blog post off with a minor rant about purchasing DNN modules, and had intended to follow that up with a discussion on the evolution of the DotNetNuke ecosystem customer, but both topics have grown larger than initially planned so I will break them up into two separate posts. So here goes the ranting, followed by what I hope will be an informative blog post.
This post is directed to potential purchasers of third party DNN modules with the goal of making the lives of module developers easier, and ultimately your lives and projects better as well. When you purchase a module for DotNetNuke, please take responsibility and do some research about the modules you are thinking about purchasing prior to purchase. Module developers take a lot of time and effort putting together functionality that they believe will provide function to other users.
A lot of these developers also spend quite a bit of time setting up demo sites, marketing materials and a lot of other information about the modules. When you are looking for a module to purchase to fit a need, you should do you research to figure out if the module meets your needs before purchasing the module. Should it be responsibility of the developer to refund your money if you figure out after purchasing the module that it doesn’t meet your needs?
Here are 5 simple ways to figure out if a module will meet your needs prior to purchase (these will not always guarantee a good module purchase, but should help to weed out many bad purchases):
- Check out the module’s documentation and marketing site
- Check out the module’s demo website
- If available test a trial version
- Post in the module developer’s forums or on DotNetNuke.com asking if anyone else has used the module before
- Ask the module developer if the module provides specific functionality that you require.
- I will be the first to admit that not all modules have every feature and implementation scenario documented. Most developers are willing to help you get your needs met, instructing you how to meet a need with - particular functionality in a module. One thing to keep in mind is how much you are actually spending on a module, most modules out there are extremely cheap (pennies on the dollar) considering the amount of time and effort put into the development and support of those modules.
I honestly don’t know how this blog post will come across to users, it is not intended to be offensive. I actually enjoy assisting customers who purchase our modules to configure them to meet their specific needs. It is an interesting position to be in to see different project needs being met by a simple application that was made by some crazy Canadian back in December 2002. I hope that users looking for modules find this post to be useful.
What are your thoughts on this topic? If you don’t want to post a comment here on the blog but have some feedback be sure to find me at OpenForce in Las Vegas in two weeks!