· Chris Hammond
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Made it to Amsterdam

Join us on our Amsterdam adventure! From flights to mini Cooper rides, we're exploring the city's charm. Discover the bikes, coffee shops, and more! #Amsterdam #TravelAdventure

Join us on our Amsterdam adventure! From flights to mini Cooper rides, we're exploring the city's charm. Discover the bikes, coffee shops, and more!  #Amsterdam #TravelAdventure

Natalie and I made the trek to Amsterdam today. We’re now hanging out at the hotel, Natalie is actually sleeping, I’m trying to avoid it, but I imagine a nap will be coming soon.

The flights went fine, I didn’t sleep on them, I fought off sleeping on the first flight to try to save it for the second, long, flight, but once on was unable to sleep. Delta had some great movie options, I managed to watch Forgetting Sarah Marshal, and Get Smart. Both great comedies, I am glad I watched them finally!

The ride from the airport was interesting, because I am headed to Dubai next week I ended up with two large suitcases and Natalie had one. Mark picked us up in a Mini Cooper! We did manage to squeeze everything in there for the trip, a big thank you to Mark for the ride to the hotel. He even wore his Red Sox (leading 2-0 in the ALDS) sweatshirt, good man. The hotel didn’t have a room ready (we got here around 9am, so I can’t blame them) so we dropped off our bags and walked around a bit.

Amsterdam is an amazing city, and I have only seen a few blocks. It is ridiculous the number of bikes EVERYWHERE, it’s cool to see. I also can’t believe all the “coffee” shops, I’ve never been one for drug use (never tried any actually) so it is weird seeing it everywhere here. Definitely a different world than I’ve ever been exposed to.

We’ll head off here from the hotel here soon, maybe not too soon, but sometime later today I want to go on a Canal tour. I’ve also started taking pictures with the SLR, I’ll see if I can’t get some decent HDR photos together.

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