· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
No running on Tuesday
Celebrate a special anniversary at a favorite restaurant, but end up disappointed at the mall. Running may lead to a free lunch despite the cold weather!

So Tuesday was the three year anniversary of our first date. We went to the same restaurant we did three years ago (Applebees in Ballwin). So there was no running on Tuesday. We had a good evening, ran to the mall afterwords and looked for some North Face deals at Macys, but found out the Chesterfield Mall Macys doesn’t carry North Face!
After dinner and watching American Idol Natalie went to bed and I got to working. I put together the new skin for the fraternity website. It’s not finished yet, but looks better than it has in a while. alphadeltazeta.org
It’s Wednesday now, and that means the office is going running at Lunch. Currently it’s 17 degrees out, so I’m really not looking forward to going on a run in the cold, but if I do I get free lunch!