· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
One thing always leads to another
From setting up a Flickr module to pondering mice woes, follow the journey in this blog post. Discover server setups, Windows Home Server musings, and more!

It always seems that one project always leads to another, and I’m usually lucky if that other is only one.
First I started on my Flickr module for this website.
That leads to me needing to setup SQL server, that leads me to wanting to setup a server in the basement with SQL server on it.
Which leads me to (for a brief moment) think of buying a Windows Home Server from Circuity City.
Luckily I stopped with the thoughts of buying a new machine for now.
At the moment I’m trying to install an eval version of Windows Home Server on an old machine in the basement with a new hard drive I bought today, which leads me to the question.
Where do my mice go when they die? I can’t find a PS2 mouse in this house to save my life, now to see if a wireless USB mouse will do what I need, as I can’t get past the license agreement screen without a mouse… Bad UI MS