· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Redline, a horrible movie
Learn about the infamous wreck of a Ferrari Enzo by Eddie Griffen at a driving event promoting the movie ‘Redline’ and why it couldn't save the film from being a box office flop.

So sometime last year, I, as most motorheads, heard about Eddie Griffen wrecking a Ferrari Enzo at some driving event. The car was owned by the director of a movie called Redline, a movie that Eddie was in, and this driving event was supposed to be a promotion for.
I think Eddie wrecking the car must of been the best promotion this movie ever could have asked for, because the movie itself sucked. The thing only grossed 6 million dollars, after a 4 million dollar opening weekend, that should tell you something. From the IMDB page it looks like the estimated budget was 26 million.
This movie was horrible, I can’t believe how bad it was. The quality of the picture was very good, clear, crisp, but the story, racing, lines were just plain idiotic. I can’t believe a movie like this was even made.