· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
So you picked HD-DVD and lost
Discover one user's perspective on the HD-DVD format wars and plans to switch to Blu-Ray. Will price drops influence the transition? Read more.

Well, I must say, I was siding with HD-DVD in the format wars. I picked up an HD-DVD drive for my Xbox 360 last August at the time for a very good deal (Best Buy had incorrect prices). I’m sure now though the prices will drop quite a bit.
It looks like I’ll get a Blu-Ray drive sometime, I’m not sure when, definitely not in a rush right now as I don’t get time to watch the HD-DVDs that I’ve purchased. At some point I’ll look into drives, probably just going with a PS3 to knock it all out in one shot.
Don’t think I won’t buy anymore HD-DVDs though, I’ll definitely keep an eye out for deals on movies over the next few months. I have the player, I may as well buy the media.