ยท Chris Hammond
Last Updated

St. Louis Event #7 Another good one

CorvetteZ06.org team secured another class win and overall index win at 3 local events in a row. Stay tuned for videos, data, and the return of the White Tornado to St. Louis. ๐Ÿ†๐ŸŽ๏ธ

CorvetteZ06.org team secured another class win and overall index win at 3 local events in a row. Stay tuned for videos, data, and the return of the White Tornado to St. Louis. ๐Ÿ†๐ŸŽ๏ธ

Another class win in SS and SSL for the CorvetteZ06.org team, as well as another overall index win, that makes 3 local events in a row for the team. Videos and data coming later this week.

Anyone who watched my fifth run today also witnessed the return of the White Tornado to St. Louis. Photos of the aftermath

Remnants of the White Tornado

and the lot

The White Tornado Strikes Again

another shot of it

The White Tornado Strikes Again

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New Look and New Video

Get a glimpse of preparing for Solo Nationals with a Corvette makeover from www.SoloPerformance.com. See the transformation results in our Flickr photos!

St. Louis Event 5 Autocross Review

Read about the latest St. Louis Autocross event where Beth and Dave competed for top spots and fastest times! Coming up: The team heads to Milwaukee for The Tire Rack SCCA National Tour event.