· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Travelling to New York
Discover tips for convenient bag storage during your New York trip, including rental car options and Amtrak lockers at Penn Station. #TravelHacks

While I thought I had this whole trip to New York tomorrow to see the Red Sox play the Yankees turned out to be far more complex than I had imagined. I ended up getting a rental car this evening so I would have a place to store my bag(s) while I head into the city tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise I would have had to pay $60 each way for a car ride to/from the hotel to drop off my bags.
I also could have rented a storage locker with Amtrak at Penn Station, but that would have required me to get an Amtrak ticket, the cheapest of which I found was $40.
So I got a car for $142 for two days from Priceline, compact, not too bad I guess. Now to finish packing so I can go to bed early.
What should I wear tomorrow to the game, a red sox jersey? Will I get killed?