· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Well I made it thru today
Join me on my journey to Boston as I tackle flights, client calls, and a user group presentation. Exciting times ahead! #BostonTrip #UserGroupPresentation

I made it to Boston in one piece today, the flights were both decent, though on smaller plans (4 seats per row), I did manage to get a row to myself for both flights. In NY I was on my phone dealing with client issues most of the layover, so that kept me busy, well that and walking around the terminal with them changing gates around on me.
In Boston Auntie Carol picked me up and we came back to her place for a while, though not too long as I headed off for a client meeting and then to do my presentation at the user group tonight. They had a pretty decent showing, 25-30 people I believe, on a Thursday that is not their normally scheduled meeting. Thanks to everyone who came out for what was my first presentation to a user group as an INETA speaker!
I’m off to do some more work now, I’m working as I type this too, I’m testing out the new photo upload functionality in the Engage: Publish module, if you see the photo below it worked!