· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Colorado Politics – Douglas County
Joining the Douglas County Republicans website & attending a Colorado Politics class - a step towards political involvement. Read on to follow the journey.

So it’s time to get involved. How involved? Who knows, we’ll see how things work out. I signed up on the Douglas County Republicans website today, and am going to attend an intro class on Colorado Politics next week. I’ve always threatened that I would like to get involved in politics one day, and have always kept myself out of trouble so that I could! So now it’s time to try to get that ball rolling.
Why now? I figured why not. A couple days ago I received a flyer in the mail about the elections for the Douglas County School Board that are coming up. I actually got involved in that a few months ago, I was out in the yard working when two ladies came by with a petition for getting on the ballot. I signed the petition, my first in Colorado. It was for Meghan Silverthorn.
This morning while reading the paper there was an article about the Douglas County election so I took a closer look. That led me to looking into other information and coming across the DCGOP website. We’ll see how things go next week.