· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Garmin Forerunner 305 Support on Garmin Connect
Discover the review of the Garmin Forerunner 305 - a reliable hardware but lacking support from Garmin. When will the 305 get the update it needs?

Well, it’s been almost a year and a half now since I purchased my Garmin Forerunner 305, it has performed flawlessly the whole time, I’ve had no trouble whatsoever with the hardware.
The word from Garmin the company however has been extremely lacking. Garmin has a site that you can upload content to called Garmin Connect, and while it appears to do everything I want with an online provider, it doesn’t work for the Forerunner 305. Initially it was supposed to only work for the Forerunner 405
and 50, which it does, but they were gradually supposed to add support for other devices from Garmin. Well Garmin, when will the 305 support come? I’m not buying a Forerunner 405
until the 305 is supported, once that occurs then I can get the 405 and 305, so Natalie and I both have a GPS device to use. But why waste any money on the 405 if they won’t add support for their existing devices.
Garmin, are you listening? Don’t even get me started on the “Motionbased” conversion that I doubt will ever happen.