· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Horse Business Facilities meetings, February 2009 for Larimer County
Discover the latest news on Larimer County's upcoming Horse Business Facilities meetings. Find out more details and stay informed about potential regulations.

While searching around on the Ft. Collins city website today I found my way over to the Larimer County website, www.larimer.org. There I noticed that there are two upcoming meetings entitled Horse Business Facilities meetings, “two public informational meetings on an upcoming study of regulations for horse business facilities in Larimer County” https://www.larimer.org/hot/horse_facilities.htm
You can see more about the meetings on this page, though the page really doesn’t tell you much about what these meetings are for. I’ve emailed the contact listed on the page for more information. Perhaps these meetings are just basic informational meetings, I hope to find out more though. It would kind of suck for us to decide on Ft. Collins as our new home only to learn that the county were going to heavily restrict the horse business. I doubt that is the case, but I would rather ask the question now, than find out later on.