· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Statistics in Ft. Collins Colorado

Explore insights from geospatial analysis and crime statistics to identify the best neighborhoods to live in Ft. Collins. Stay tuned for a comprehensive analysis before our trip to Colorado in late March!

Explore insights from geospatial analysis and crime statistics to identify the best neighborhoods to live in Ft. Collins. Stay tuned for a comprehensive analysis before our trip to Colorado in late March!

A few semesters ago here at UMSL (www.umsl.edu) I took a geospatial analysis class, analyzing data from sources such as the census, to provide analysis of various things within a community.  This evening while looking at the Ft. Collins city website I ran across a survey of its citizens from 2008. After looking over that I figured I would geek out a little bit and look for crime statistics for the Ft. Collins area and come up with an analysis of what parts of town are best to live in from a number of perspectives.

This is not information that a real estate agent is likely to provide you, I could be wrong, but I think real estate agents are limited in some of the questions they can answer as to not show bias and discrimination on certain parts of town/people. This data and analysis isn’t something I’m going to have together here in the next week or two, but I will try to get it together before we make our next trip out to Colorado, we are planning on late March.

Of course I will blog all of this gathered information as I find and analyze the information.

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