· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Two Days left in Colorado
Discover our journey exploring Colorado for our future home. From Ft. Collins to Longmont/Boulder, we share our insights on the search for the perfect place!

So Natalie and I have two days left here in Colorado, and we’re actually further from our goal than we were before we arrived last week.
After spending a couple of days driving around Ft. Collins we’re not convinced that FC is the place we want to move to anymore. It’s an interesting town, and there are some cool features, but we are not sure that those features outweigh some of the things that bug us.
We spent today driving around looking at Dressage barns near Longmont/Boulder, we found a few cool places. We’re going to head down south of Denver tomorrow and look around at some other barns down there. Based on what we find down there we will spend Wednesday either looking around there, or coming back up to the Longmont area. We want to spend some time driving around whatever area we think we will decide on and make sure we find out as much about the area as we can before making another trip out here in April to house hunt.
So far the Longmont/Bolder area a quick scan of Realtor.com doesn’t give me a good feeling of being able to find a house that will fit our desires. I only found a few houses that were under $350k, and I don’t think any of those had a 3 car garage.