· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

DotNetNuke Forum Count Posts Per User/Month

Learn how to generate reports on DotNetNuke Forum users with specific roles using SQL queries. Improve your forum moderation strategies and user engagement.

Learn how to generate reports on DotNetNuke Forum users with specific roles using SQL queries. Improve your forum moderation strategies and user engagement.

Do you run a website using the DotNetNuke Forum module? If so, you might find that you want to run a report on users in a specific role to see how many posts those users are posting per month in your forums.

If that’s the case I have just the SQL sample for you!

Here’s some T-SQL if you are using the standard DBO and empty objectQualifier settings in your web.config

 DATEPART(month, createddate) AS Month,
 DATEPART(year, createddate) AS Year,
 COUNT(*) AS PostCount
FROM forum\_posts fp
JOIN users u ON (fp.userid = u.userid)
WHERE fp.userid IN (SELECT userid FROM userroles WHERE roleid=1)
-- uncomment the next line to run for a specific user
-- AND u.Username = 'USERNAME'
GROUP BY DATEPART(month, createddate), DATEPART(year, createddate), u.username
ORDER BY u.username, DATEPART(year, createddate), DATEPART(month, createddate);

And of course, the obligatory tokenized SQL that you can run in the host/sql page

 DATEPART(month, createddate) AS Month,
 DATEPART(year, createddate) AS Year,
 COUNT(*) AS PostCount
FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}forum\_posts fp
JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}users u ON (fp.userid = u.userid)
WHERE fp.userid IN (SELECT userid FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}userroles WHERE roleid=1)
-- uncomment the next line to run for a specific user
-- AND u.Username = 'USERNAME'
GROUP BY DATEPART(month, createddate), DATEPART(year, createddate), u.username
ORDER BY u.username, DATEPART(year, createddate), DATEPART(month, createddate);
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