· Chris Hammond
Last Updated

Free DotNetNuke Training now available

Discover our comprehensive DotNetNuke Training program offering both paid webinars and free courses. Enhance your DNN skills today! #DotNetNuke #Training

Discover our comprehensive DotNetNuke Training program offering both paid webinars and free courses. Enhance your DNN skills today! #DotNetNuke #Training

When I started up here at DotNetNuke Corp. in March, I spent quite a bit of time planning and tweaking our plan in regards to the DotNetNuke Training that we would be offering. The initial phase launched when we started offering our paid DotNetNuke Training Webinars in May 2010 covering a variety of DNN topics. Since then we have conducted almost 80 hours of live webinar based training, with hundreds more hours scheduled for the rest of the year.

This was just the first phase of a multi phased plan. Having been involved in the DotNetNuke Community since it’s early birth in 2003 I wanted to make sure that we provided resources that would be accessible to everyone in the community, and let’s face it, sometimes budgets aren’t lined up for everyone and paid training isn’t always an option.

Today I am proud to announce that we have launched another phase in our training offerings with a number of Free DotNetNuke Training courses. These courses are going to be offered monthly, and a couple of them start up as early as next week. For now we have four courses in addition to the free DotNetNuke Introduction webinar that you can sign up for. These courses are a great primer if you are looking to quickly get up and running with DotNetNuke, as well as great starting points if you look to continue your DNN education with our paid training offerings.

The four topics are

  • Installing DotNetNuke
  • Basic DotNetNuke Administration
  • Basic DotNetNuke Module Development
  • Basic DotNetNuke Skinning
To get signed up for these sessions visit the DotNetNuke Training page and click on the Basic Training link!

In the coming months we will announce even more training offerings, both paid and free, of course! Stay tuned to our DotNetNuke Training page for all the latest info on these offerings.

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