· Chris Hammond
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Getting nervous starting a new job
Excited yet nervous about starting a new job at DotNetNuke's Headquarters, settling in San Mateo with my wife. Hoping to find a rental home soon!

So it has been over five and a half years since I started a job. I forgot how nervous one can get! I’m excited, but nervous at the same time. New people, new places, new things to do. Fortunately for me, I know some of the faces, less so some of the places, and have an idea of some of the new things to do. I’m starting up at DotNetNuke’s Headquarters in the morning.
My wife and I spent today getting things squared away around San Mateo. We came in town just afternoon from staying last night in Vacaville, California, and visiting some old haunts from my high school days.
The first thing we took care of was getting my car trailer into storage, we road tripped out here over the past three days in our truck, with my car in tow. Natalie will be spending the week here looking for rental houses, and a place to board and train her dressage horse. After which time she will be driving back “home” for a while, while we wait for the house to sell back in Colorado.
Hopefully tomorrow night the real estate agent we’re meeting with will be able to point us to some potential rental homes that will work out for us. This hotel thing will likely get really old really quick!
I’ll try to post another update later in the week after things get moving along. I’m sure I will have lots of paperwork tomorrow and then getting situated within the organization. I’m excited, nervous, and anxious to get started!