· Chris Hammond
Last Updated
Look out, Vinyl Boy is back
Exciting updates ahead for Project 350z in 2011! Stay tuned as the car undergoes a transformation with a new vinyl wrap. Follow the journey at autocrossblog.com.
So it has been over 2 years since I’ve had vinyl on a car, that will be changing in 2011. Look out for the upcoming transformation of the Project 350z! Early in the year I will be doing a minor overhaul, with the goal of doing a full wrap on the car later in the year.
I just need to find someone local who can do the wrap for a reasonable cost, and make sure that they don’t damage the car in the process. I’ve not had anyone apply vinyl to my cars before, I’ve always done it myself, but I don’t have visions of being able to do a full wrap myself.
For a refresher, here are some photos of some of my past vinyl experiences (all self applied)
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